Dr. Rebecca Wynn

Dr. Rebecca Wynn

Dr. Rebecca Wynn is the award-winning Global Cybersecurity Strategist & CISO for Click Solutions Group. She has worked with various sectors, including healthcare, fintech, technology, and government, and has been honored with numerous awards for her work. She is lauded as a “game-changer who is ten steps ahead in developing and enforcing cybersecurity and privacy best practices and policies.” Her expertise lies in managing data privacy and protection risks associated with AI and developing and enforcing cybersecurity and privacy best practices and policies. Additionally, she hosts the shows Soulful CXO and Threat Watch.

Posts by Dr. Rebecca Wynn

Where to Start with a Cybersecurity Risk Management Plan (RMP)
Where to Start with a Cybersecurity Risk Management Plan (RMP)

Where to Start with a Cybersecurity Risk Management Plan (RMP)

(March 2, 2023) 4 min read
Cyber Risk is a Menace: It Causes Havoc to Operations or Reputation
Cyber Risk is a Menace

Cyber Risk is a Menace: It Causes Havoc to Operations or Reputation

(February 23, 2023) 5 min read
7-Step Process to Create Your First Data Security Strategy
7-Step Process to Create Your First Data Security Strategy

7-Step Process to Create Your First Data Security Strategy

(January 22, 2023) 4 min read
CISO burnout: Rapidly increasing, posing a major threat to risk management
CISO Burnout Cybersecurity

CISO burnout: Rapidly increasing, posing a major threat to risk management

(January 18, 2023) 4 min read