Security is an Infinite Game

2 min read
(August 4, 2023)

Kim Jones joined Dr. Rebecca Wynn on the Soulful CXO. He is an award-winning intelligence and security professional with extensive experience in information security. Kim shares his expertise in strategy, governance, compliance, executive leadership, and risk management. He has significantly contributed to the field as the Chief Security Officer and Chief Information Security Officer at various organizations. He is currently the Director of Performance Acceleration (CyberCraft) at Intuit. He has also ‘paid it forward’ to the professional community by serving on advisory boards and teaching at prestigious universities.

A reporting structure that supports a holistic approach to cybersecurity, rather than solely tactical, is crucial for long-term success. Being present and approachable is essential for cybersecurity professionals to build relationships, gain credibility, and drive business success.

Security is an infinite game. This concept, introduced by Simon Sinek in his book "The Infinite Game," challenges the traditional view of security as a finite game with set players, rules, and a defined time frame. In an infinite game, the players can change without rules, and the strategies can shift quickly. There is no time limit. It requires a shift in mindset, communication, and approach for cybersecurity professionals to address their challenges effectively. By recognizing the infinite nature of the game, developing strategic thinking skills, and demonstrating their value to the business, cybersecurity professionals can drive long-term success and contribute to the organization's overall success.

Balance Risk and Drive Innovation

They discuss the importance of balancing risk and driving innovation in cybersecurity, emphasizing the need for cybersecurity professionals to understand the business they protect and effectively communicate the risks and benefits of different security measures to stakeholders. By doing so, they can help drive innovation and contribute to the organization's overall success.

Kim acknowledged that cybersecurity professionals often focus on risk mitigation and assurance, neglecting the importance of innovation. He argued that this shift in focus has led to a lack of integration between cybersecurity and the business, making it difficult for cybersecurity professionals to provide truly innovative solutions. And believes this integration is crucial for cybersecurity professionals to contribute to the organization's goals and drive revenue effectively.

He recommends that cybersecurity professionals redevelop the muscle of balancing risk and driving innovation to address this issue (this muscle was present in the past but has been forgotten). By relearning this skill, cybersecurity professionals can provide technically enhanced, driven, genuinely innovative solutions that integrate seamlessly into the business.

They highlight the importance of understanding the business and its goals. They emphasize that cybersecurity professionals exist because the company is there, and their job is to ensure the paycheck doesn't bounce. By presenting risk-balanced solutions that allow the organization to attract customers and drive revenue without compromising security, cybersecurity professionals can contribute to the organization's success.

Throughout the discussion, they remind the audience that cybersecurity is not a finite game. It is an ongoing battle against constantly evolving threats. The players in this game can change, new rules can emerge, and the strategies must adapt continuously. There is no endpoint or defined definition of success. This is where the concept of the infinite game comes into play.

Listen to the full episode for insights on leadership skills, embracing resiliency, and bridging the gap between technology and business.  Additionally, Kim shared his approach to presenting risk in a way that aligns with the organization's goals. This episode is a must-listen!

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