Cyber Security Tribe

Equipping cyber security professionals with online resources that provide thought leadership and expertise from the world's most renowned cyber security professionals, as well as the latest developments in the market, how to guides, and analysis of major incidents and market trends. 

Beyond Patching: Redefining Cybersecurity Strategies for Effective Risk Mitigation

This report explores the inherent flaws in traditional patch management and advocates for a risk-centric approach. It examines the specific challenges and gaps in traditional patch management, outline the benefits of a risk-centric approach, and provide practical steps for its implementation.

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Bridging the Data Security Gap - Aligning Perception and Practice

Bridging the Data Security Gap: Aligning Perception and Practice

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The Evolution, Challenges, and Future of Third-Party Risk Management

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Major IT Outages - Not the Result of a Cyber Attack

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Research Discovers New Phishing Campaign Targeting Job Seekers

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International Operation Takes Down the World’s Largest Botnet, 911 S5

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Advisory Board Insight

The Cyber Security Tribe advisory board reveal in short snapshots their most significant Cyber Threats for 2024

“As the world focuses on the external threat actors, we should not forget about the internal threat, 'the end-user'. The 'end-user' has 'authorized' access to tons of data and not all 'end-users' are the same. ”
"As AI continues to rapidly mature, the potential positive impact it can make on people’s lives is limitless. With that said, the concern remains about sensitive data elements being ingested by AI tools, which can expose personal data and company trade secrets. Education and awareness needs to be a priority around data governance and protection."
"My biggest concern in cyber security, as I look toward 2024, is that some AI-driven security operations centers (SOCs) may not be fully ready to detect cyber-attacks and uncover potential threats in real-time as effectively and efficiently as the attackers that exploit their machine learning (ML) algorithms."
"I see Cloud Security holes concern going in 2024: Misconfigured permissions, inadequate access controls, and vulnerabilities in cloud providers' infrastructure can expose sensitive data to unauthorized parties. "
"My biggest concern is staying ahead of the pace at which AI and other technology is being released into the mainstream. 2023 and ChatGPT showed us what happens when a technology is released to the masses with no security training or clear guidelines. "
"With the adoption of new legislation around cyber, it is critical that Information Security and Privacy leaders are granted the full authority to be accountable for their role in the organizations they lead, which is what these regulations seek to accomplish, accountability. Cyber as a function as IT or the CFO’s office will not breed success."

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